HIMYM - S06e05 - Architect of Destruction on air 2010, Oct. 18

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  1. jennwithapen
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    QUOTE (mvitto @ 19/10/2010, 13:52)
    uhm... my brother hasn't just enjoyed JMO perfomarce too much...
    because JMO is too cute and too upper-class for the activist role that Zoey is. A militant hasn't perfect hair and look... uhm... he also hasn't see a big partecipation of JMO in Zoey soul... I think he doesn't know if JMO is Zoey.

    I can agree on this thing. Zoey is funny and JMO is good but I'm not sure of the final result. I need to see more of her in the next eps.

    :mucca: :mucca: :mucca:

    My husband agrees with your brother. He said she was good but not great. When I first saw the promos, I was a little worried myself, but I found her portrayal to be much more believable once I saw the episode in its entirety. I think Jen will ease into the role more as the season continues.

    Also, I have to remember that comedy is a lot different than drama. Everything is more exaggerated. The scenes will be lighter and we won't see the rich emotional material like we saw in Chase and (somewhat) in House. But I DO think she can handle comedy and will only get better as the season unfolds.
  2. Aleki77
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    CITAZIONE (mvitto @ 19/10/2010, 21:03)
    I'll tell him... he doesn't know that he'll see Zoey again ahahahah!!! :P

    bastard inside eh??

    I think Jennifer did a great job. The time flew. Every time I see the credits I say: "Already finished?" even if it is the fifth time I see this episode
  3. Aleki77
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    How I Met Your Mother Recap: It’s Never a Bad Idea to Rip Off Hugh Grant

    Jennifer Morrison, the Next Big Ted Mosby Love Interest That Won't Be the Mother Because, Come On, There's No End Date Announced for the Show Yet, showed up to How I Met Your Mother last night. She played Zoey, a hippie-protester stereotype with decidedly un-hippie clothing and, in a plot development right out of 2002 Hugh Grant–Sandra Bullock romantic comedy Two Weeks Notice, she was battling the construction of the Ted-designed Goliath National Bank building on preservationist grounds. And it was by far the best episode of the season.

    The installment was destined for greatness as soon as Barney's “new is always better” bit — an attempt to convince Ted to forget the once-classic, now-run-down Arcadian Hotel, as well as Zoey — got going. (Ted: "New Star Wars vs. Old Star Wars?" Barney: “The first three barely mentioned the intricacies of intergalactic trade law.” Ted: "Chinese Democracy-era vs. vintage G'n'R?" Barney: “Axl's really matured as a songwriter.”) Of course the instantly in love Ted can't let it go that easily, so he convinces himself he's quitting the project. Our immediate thought: Ugh, really, again with the Ted-and-building will-they-or-won't they? But you know what? A major construction like the Goliath National Bank Building would have this many holdups. (Granted, they wouldn't be that whimsical in real life. More to do with zoning permits and stuff, probably).

    Ted pretends to be a veterinarian, joins Zoey's protest, is outed as the architect of the building through Barney's strategically placed billboard, dreams up a way to incorporate the Hotel façade into the new building, realizes Zoey is married and scraps those plans, and tries to forget all about the girl. But — as reports of Jennifer Morrison's multi-episode arc would suggest — it won't be that easy.

    In that process, we get a nifty flashback bit, with Ted enthusiastically assuming alternate identities (adrenaline enthusiast, Civil War reenactor, wizard [?]) in order to woo various ladies. It got to the crux of things with Ted's character: Yeah, he's a dope, but he's well-intentioned and extremely enthusiastic, and those are things to be admired. The more the characters make fun of him within the show, the more we seem to like him.

    Meanwhile, over at the B-plot, Robin's dating Marshall's pal Max, and things are going great ... until Lily tells Marshall that Robin said that Max has a small penis, that is. That sounds silly written down, but in execution it was inspired. First, it led to Robin's banter about how girls talk about penises all the time: “Size, shape, resemblance to historical figure … Winston Churchill.” (To Ted and Barney) “Yes, that's one of you.” Second, it led to Marshall's crazed interior dialogue during the double date: “Oh, yes, that's really interesting, but you have a small penis.” And who knew you could say “penis” that many times during prime time?

    Next week promises more with Jennifer Morrison, and hopefully, once again, a humorous way to deal with Lily and Marshall trying to make a baby? Looking forward to it.

  4. MissisMad77
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    Well I have to say that I was about to stop watching this show because last season was really boring and also this new one doesn't look so promising, BUT Zoey is a fresh air for the show, she's funny and cute and really lovable... and I can see that she'll change some dynamics in the group (I think Barney will sure try to talk Ted out of this relationship!) and this will be a good thing!
    Ah and Jen's mugshots are amazing!!!! :haha:
  5. -ELY-
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    Ok, sono pronta ad essere linciata.

    A me HIMYM continua a non piacere.
    Spiego: troppe risate in sottofondo anche quando davvero non servono, e gli attori... sì, sono bravi, ma mi sembra che recitino troppo. Mi sembrano troppo impostati e forzati.
    Non so, mi viene da fare il paragone con Friends... lì erano tutti molto naturali, le risate in sottofondo ci sono ma non te ne accorgi neanche perchè ci ridi sopra anche tu. Con HIMYM non succede.

    Detto questo il personaggio di Jen è carino, lei secondo me è adattissima per le comedy però vale lo stesso discorso sopra...

    Avanti, lapidatemi...

  6. Aleki77
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    Ho letto in un blog un commento feroce alla storia del little penis, ma onestamente è la prima volta (ma non conosco a fondo il fandom di HIMYM) che sento che qualcuno dice che sono forzati ... pure a me all'inizio dava fastidio la sensazione di finto che aleggiava sul set, ora però non ci faccio più caso e non so se è una questione di abitudine o se invece con il tempo si sono affinati e visto che tu sei la nostra Monica noti ancora le imperfezioni. La storia di Ted, Zoey e Barney mi è piaciuta, probabilmente anche se non fosse stata Jen ad interpretarla, l'altra storia mi ha fatto storcere un pò il naso all'inizio ma poi mi ha divertito, anche se non è stata il top! Fantastico il risucchio di Alyson Hannigan per mostrarci la risalita dell'ovulo alla vista dei calzini antiscivolo di Marshall. Riguardo a Jennifer, io ho percepito tanto gioia e divertimento (nel lancio delle uova lei è quella che si è divertita più di tutti!) e con Josh Radnor ha una bella chemistry, ma tra i due era lei quella che brillava di più, riprendendo una frase della recap dal Los Angeles Time: Radnor and Morrison made a charming pair, and I'm pretty sure Morrison's smile can be used to light the new building.

    Adesso sono curiosa di vedere come porteranno avanti la storia tra loro: attrazione vs convinzioni morali!

    Sarà Zoey la madre???
    Non ne ho proprio idea se sarà lei o meno ... ma ... la definizione che da Bays (uno dei creatori di HIMYM) nell'intervista rilasciata a Maureen Ryan approposito di Zoey e Ted mi trasmette "buone vibrazioni" - kindred spirits ... e non mi sembra poco.

    Sempre riprendendo l'articolo di Maureen Ryan, parliamo di Mitologia e confrontiamo la lista di ciò che sappiamo da Ted sulla madre con quello che è accaduto nell'episodio:
    - Lui la chiamò subito non appena ebbe il suo numero... questo forse potrebbe fare a pugni con quanto sappiamo ... lui ha tentato di chiamarla subito (Zoey I'm Batman ... e lì mi sono piegata dalle risate) ma non ci riesce perchè lei lo anticipa andando a bussare alla sua soglia. (Punto dubbio).
    - Altra questione spinosa che fa propendere per il no ... se Zoey era in quella classe di economia (inizio season 5) come mai non riconosce Ted? Come mai crede che sia un veterinario e non un architetto? Zoey ha problemi di memorizzazione dei volti? :XD:

    Edited by Aleki77 - 20/10/2010, 11:31
  7. MissisMad77
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    Ely per quanto linciarti mi farebbe chiaramente molto felice, in parte hai ragione... io mi sono vista tutte le serie perchè ne leggevo meraviglie (chiaramente paragonandolo a Friends...puoi immaginare la mia gioia!), ma sinceramente non l'ho mai trovato così brillante!
    Prima di tutto io detesto il personaggio di Barney (che è poi quello su cui è improntato lo show) perchè sta diventando ripetitivo e noioso, vogliamo parlare del tormentone "legen...wait for it ... dary" le prime volte poteva anche fare ridere ma alla 200 comincia a rompere e basta, vi prego spremetevi le meningi e trovate altro!!!Ma non potevano farlo crescere/cambiare un po' dopo la storia con Robin? Invece è diventato ancora + irritante!E poi NPH è cmq un bravissimo attore,non discuto, ma il personaggio di Barney lo sciupafemmine non mi ha mai convinto, anche perchè io vedo lontano un miglio che NPH è gay...l'avevo persino detto a Vitto in tempi non sospetti, molto prima del suo outing e purtroppo lo sento anche nel telefilm ed il suo personaggio mi risulta falso!
    Ted mi ha sempre annoiato a morte... gli unici che di tanto in tanto mi fanno ridere sono Robin e di sicuro Lily e Marshall!
    Sinceramente avrei smesso di vederlo, già la scorsa season l'ho visto praticamente andando avanti sulle parti noiose e quindi si può dire che ho continuato solo per Jen, che trovo sia una ventata d'aria fresca in uno show ormai troppo monotono!
    Però faccio anche autocritica, perchè per me Friends è stato qualcosa di così grandioso, la migliore comedy che abbia mai visto e tutte quelle che vedo ora mi sembrano (stesso discorso che facevamo su Modern Family!) terribilmente scontate e noiose... cose che guardo nelle sere in cui ho voglia di sorridere un attimo, ma comunque anche lì fai un sorriso a qualche battuta e niente di più, come si fa a paragonare questi sorrisi alle risate dovute aii capelli di Monica alle Bahamas, a Ross coi denti fosforescenti, a Rachel che deve partorire o ad una qualsiasi delle battute di Chandler o alle espressioni di Joey o alle pazze idee di Phoebe?
    E quindi sì HIMYM non è sta meraviglia, ma lo si guarda perchè a livello di commedia c'è poco altro....

    Edited by MissisMad77 - 20/10/2010, 13:43
  8. Aleki77
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    Ho trovato una review che è abbastanza in linea con quello che di Mad:

    How I Met Your Mother welcomes Jennifer Morrison

    CBS's How I Met Your Mother did not have a banner year last season. In fact, often times, it was kind of crummy. And for awhile, this was one of my favorite shows on television. The producers seemed to acknowledge mistakes were made, promising that this year a third act would begin, and they would try to take the quality back to what it once was. We are five episodes into season six, and so far, they have delivered two awesome episodes ("Big Days" and "Subway Wars"). Sadly, that leave three not-so-good episodes, and keeps the doubt lingering in my mind that HIMYM has jumped the shark.

    I was pretty optimistic about last night's episode, as it marked the arrival of Jennifer Morrison (House) as Zoey, who will play a sizeable arc this year. Her casting sparked much online debate as to whether she is or is not the mother referenced in the title, and as Morrison is a great, proven actress, it was pretty exciting stuff. Unfortunately, last night's episode was less than overwhelming. Morrison did ok, but it's not like she and Ted (Josh Radnor) had instant chemistry. I didn't really feel much to report between the two. I was actually a bit surprised to see her pop back up at the end of the episode, as her story played like so many other women on the show, feeling like it was over at the end of the half hour. I'm not saying that she can't be great; perhaps Morrison will grow on me. I'm not even blaming the actress, as the series stars several actors I still admire greatly. The overall quality, however, still suffers.

    How I Met Your Mother is at it's best when it allows the cast to fully and freely interact amongst themselves. Sure, sometimes a fun catchphrase or interlacing story between the five primary characters delivers an awesome episode. But lately, the conceits the story evolve around sometime go well into the cheese, and it makes the whole thing not funny. Develop Barney's (Neil Patrick Harris) pining for Robin (Cobie Smulders) a bit more, as they did in "Subway Wars". Let Lily (Alyson Hannigan) and Marshall (Jason Segel) be a great couple, without too many issues between them, as that is what works best for them. And whatever you do, don't let Ted come across as a selfish jerk, because that almost never leads to an enjoyable entry, but it has happened more than a few times.

    One more note. The shots of the kids at the beginning of the episodes lately seem very much like stock footage. Sure, I know that the daughter (Lyndsy Fonseca) is now starring in the CW's Nikita, and so it would prove very complicated to bring her back too often. Plus, the kids rarely speak anyway, so it's easy to loop new narration (provided by Bob Saget) over an already filmed moment. Just make sure it's not too obvious that you use the same shot over and over. And when the kids eventually do return in a series finale, as they must for the closure to be truly satisfying, they shouldn't look much older than we last saw them. Dangerous ground being tread upon here. Just please be cautious.

    How I Met Your Mother airs Monday nights at 8pm on CBS, and I'll keep watching, rooting for them to get the train back on track as they begin to wrap up their very long story. In Lexington, CBS can be found on channel 9 (analog), 380 (satellite), and 912 (high definition).

  9. Aleki77
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    'How I Met Your Mother': What About the Other Characters?

    Lindsey Bahr - Oct 19 2010, 8:45 AM ET

    Every episode of How I Met Your Mother is centered on the maturation of at least one character. In this week's episode, "Architect of Destruction," Ted meets Zoey (House's Jennifer Morrison), New York's busiest, most well-groomed activist. She's beautiful, blonde, witty, and also versed in architectural history, and Ted is immediately smitten. When she's not being arrested for stealing police horses at anti-war rallies, chaining herself to 100-year-old redwoods, or setting cars on fire at a Guns and Roses concert, she's stealing bunnies from evil cosmetics companies (apparently by herself), and leading a one-woman effort to save The Arcadian, a fictional New York landmark. The Arcadian also happens to be the planned site for the building Ted has been hired to build for Barney's company.

    Ted spends much of the episode agonizing over the merits of the old versus the new and how hard to push for the preservation of The Arcadian. Barney provides a humorous counterpoint to Ted's glorification of the old, defending even the new Star Wars movies (due to a superior explanation of intergalactic trade laws), and the song "Chinese Democracy" (an indication of Axl's maturation as a songwriter). But it's only when Ted finds out that Zoey is actually married that he decides to just build what he wants. The realization, of course, is that Ted too often tries to impress his dates by molding himself to meet their interests, from extreme sports to Civil War reenactments. Thus had the girl never been involved in this instance, Ted would have just designed the building he wanted all along without any moral or ethical headaches.

    Ted's debate with his own idealism seems a little stale, but the episode was mostly enjoyable thanks to some excellent secondary performances by Barney and Marshall ("You want to know what a men's locker room is like? It's just a bunch of uncomfortable dudes trying to get out of there as quickly as possible"). Now five episodes in, HIMYM season six is devoting a lot of screen time to Ted's false starts. Hopefully upcoming episodes will showcase Marshall, Barney, and Robin in the primary plot—all have seemed woefully underused thus far.

  10. Aleki77
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    A new nemesis for Ted on 'HIMYM'

    After "How I Met Your Mother's" below average fifth season, things weren't looking a lot better for this one. However, Monday night's episode restored my faith that this show has still got it.

    "House" alum Jennifer Morrison guest-starred for the first of several episodes as Zoey, a woman who's "perfect" for Ted (where have we heard that before?) - except for the fact that she's protesting his plans to replace an old New York building with Barney's company's headquarters.

    Ted shows how far he will go for a girl by claiming to be a veterinarian and planning to join in the protest against himself... until Barney throws a wrench into those plans via a giant billboard with his face on it (and he is dressed as a wizard in the photo, also for a girl).

    We got another twist when we found out that Zoey is actually married, and at that moment, Ted was honest enough with himself to admit that the only real reason he was compromising on the building was for her.

    Moving on to what is usually the highlight of every episode, the Marshall and Lily subplot. After learning an intimate detail he wished he had never heard about Robin's boyfriend, Marshall starts to lose his "traction" altogether due to Lily and Robin's frank sex talk (nice touch with the faux "Sex and the City" theme when Marshall imagined them talking).

    This was fairly sub-par stuff, but redeemed itself with Lily's completely-scripted discussion (Marshall was even holding "cue cards") of the previous night's activities with Robin over the phone.

    There were some great lines (as usual), like Barney's adopting "Cottontail," a rabbit which Zoey had left with "veterinarian" Ted: "You took longer to get here than I thought, we bonded and I'm keeping her."

    But the repeated references to Guns N' Roses ("Chinese Democracy"?) were what made this episode "legen- wait for it ...I'll send you an inter-office memo with the rest!"

    Did you like this week's episode as well? Looking forward to more of Zoey tormenting Ted? And do you think there's any chance she's the mother (I'm pretty doubtful myself)? Share your view on a video iReport or in the comments below.

    Oh, and here's a memo: "-Dary!"

  11. Aleki77
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    Jennifer Morrison in HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER
    Architect of Destruction S06e05
    CAPS HQs

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