Once Upon a Time 1st season Spoiler

Season 1

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  1. briteen
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    QUOTE (Aleki77 @ 22/11/2011, 17:17) 
    QUOTE (MVitto @ 22/11/2011, 17:04) 
    I think it's the second choice you wrote. :) I imagine that so...

    and I have doubts about the scheriff... maybe he is the huntsman ;)

    no, you should read this article #entry479859259
    when the Queen has sacrificed her father, opened in the Queen's heart an unbridgeable gap. To fill this void, to have someone to love and and to have someone loves her, she adopted a child.
    She wanted an any child , but Mr. Gold has other plans (of which we are still obscure) he gave her Emma's child. I'm almost certain that Henry is not a fairy tale character, but that he represents only the truth of the innocence.

    You mean these lines:

    Why did Regina adopt Henry?
    “More than anything she wants a great relationship with him,” says Kitsis, noting that the only reason she can’t fully love Henry is that the curse has left her with an emotional void – something Regina is determined to overcome. “The only way she is going to truly win is to fill that void and prove to everybody that she could enact this curse and find her happiness.”

    I don't see anything in the storyline that makes me think that Regina wants to have a great relationship with Henry, someone to love or is being determined to overcome an emotional void. It's like he's just one of her possessions that she's not willing to lose much less now that she knows she has a competitor.

    Why she wanted a child is still a mystery to me, why she named him Henry isn't. I guess she wanted to alleviate her conscious of the guilt of having sacrificed his father's life to fill her thirst of revenge despite loving him the most. And maybe, just maybe, at the beginning, she wanted to reenact that relationship. Having Henry unconditionally love her as much as her father did despite her evilness and having someone to love.

    I would like to know if there was a time that Henry loved her and what made him turn against her. If I'm not wrong he was already seeing a therapist before reading the fairy tale book.

    I like your idea better, that maybe Henry is not a fairy tale character, unless Henry's fate is to accomplish something that old Henry failed, that is to convince Regina that she can be happy if she lets those feelings of hate go which would turn the curse back.

    Thank you for the Snow White tale, off to read it
286 replies since 17/5/2011, 22:24   22070 views