HIMYM - S06e07 - Canning Randy on air 2010, Nov. 1st

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  1. Aleki77
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    How I Met Your Mother Press Release: S06e07 - Canning Randy



    Broadway Actress Laura Bell Bundy ("Legally Blonde - The Musical")

    Guest Stars as Becky, Robin's New Co-anchor; Will Forte ("Saturday Night Live") Returns as Randy, Marshall's Incompetent Co-worker; and Jennifer Morrison ("House") Returns as Zoey, Ted's Archnemisis

    "Canning Randy" - When Zoey enrolls in Ted's class, she manipulates his students into taking her side in the fight to save the building being torn down to make room for his project. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily spot Robin marching in the Halloween parade of shame, on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, Monday, Nov. 1 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Broadway actress Laura Bell Bundy ("Legally Blonde - The Musical") guest stars as Becky, Robin's new co-anchor; Will Forte ("Saturday Night Live") returns as Randy, Marshall's incompetent co-worker and Jennifer Morrison ("House") returns as Zoey, Ted's archnemisis.


    Ted.............................................. Josh Radnor

    Marshall........................................ Jason Segel

    Barney................................ Neil Patrick Harris

    Lily........................................ Alyson Hannigan

    Robin ..................................... Cobie Smulders


    Narrator.......................................... Bob Saget

    Randy.............................................. Will Forte

    Zoey..................................... Jennifer Morrison

    Arthur....................................... Bob Odenkirk

    Mike........................................... Ron Nicolosi


    Betty................................... Marieve Herington

    Becky................................... Laura Bell Bundy

    Announcer (vo).......................................... tbd

    GNB Announcer (vo)................................. tbd

    Scotty................................... Andrew Caldwell

    Johnny...................................... Ashwyn Bagga

    Woman..................................................... Tbd

    WRITTEN BY: Chuck Tatham

    DIRECTED BY: Pamela Fryman


    source: CBS

    All promotional still - Promotional still - Jennifer Morrison - Promo #1 - Sneak Peek #1

    Edited by Aleki77 - 29/10/2010, 22:16
  2. Aleki77
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    OMG!! Jennifer is soooo cute!


    Edited by Aleki77 - 2/11/2010, 01:47
  3. Aleki77
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    Jennifer Morrison in HIMYM - S06e07 - Canning Randy


    Edited by Aleki77 - 2/11/2010, 03:48
  4. Aleki77
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    'How I Met Your Mother' Season 6, Episode 7 Recap

    by Joel Keller, posted Nov 2nd 2010 12:30AM

    I'll say this about Will Forte: He's got the weirdo vibe down pat. From his various 'SNL' characters to the Jenna Maroney impersonator he played on '30 Rock' to the shy and awkward Randy on 'HIMYM,' Forte has a history of playing people that are so creepy that they give you douche chills. He plays so creepy that MacGruber is considered one of his more "normal" characters.

    But if it weren't for Forte, this fairly uneventful episode would have also been pretty unfunny. Something about this one just felt off from beginning to end; I came away from it thinking it should have been funnier, and I didn't remember one funny line from it. Every season has a few clunkers, and given the streak that Bays and Thomas has been on this season, a clunker in episode 7 isn't such a bad thing.

    What made Forte as Randy funny? The nosebleeds. The fact that he can screw up so badly and still have a weird smile on his face. His having to look up what the "B" in GNB stands for when his mom calls him at Marshall's office. His never-ending crush on Robin, which was established two years ago when he was Barney's temporary wingman. His pride at his beer coming in fourth place in a senior center brewing contest. His creepy happiness that his severance will allow him to start that brewing business he always wanted to start. It was such chill-inducing goodness that it's too bad that Marshall can't unfire him again at some point.

    It was a guest star fest this week, wasn't it? But it was all guest stars in previously-established roles. We have Forte, then we have Bob Odenkirk as Marshall's vicious but dog-loving boss Arthur; Laura Bell Bundy continued as Robin's way-too-perky co-anchor Becky, and we got Jennifer Morrison back as Ted's nemesis Zoey. Maybe that's the reason why the episode didn't work; way too many funny lines going to the guests and not enough going to the main folks.

    Anyway, Morrison was still game but now Zoey is going from a thorn in Ted's side to someone who's actually decided to disrupt his non-GNB job at Columbia. When she went from being endearingly annoying to disruptive, she took a bit of a sour turn. Luckily, Ted grew a sack and took Lily's advice to rule by fear rather than try to be everyone's friend. He should have threatened F's to his class as soon as Zoey turned them against him, but at least he did it. So I wonder if "Professor Brosby" is now permanently out of the office and "Hard-ass Teddy Westside" is now in his place.

    Robin's walk of shame after doing that adult diaper ad on Halloween was funny for a moment, until you realize that you still don't know where Robin was overnight. Surely she didn't due the news in her nurse's outfit, did she? And Lil's 'Godfather'-style revenge against the unruly kid was predictable but still funny to watch. And we're seeing more and more evidence that Lily is one of the more psychotic kindergarten teachers in New York. She's only been doing this for 10 years or so; what is she going to be like after 30?

    Finally, this week was strangely light on Barney, other than him encouraging Randy to trash Marshall's office, but I did love how he described the bacchanalia that was the "Tu B' Shevat Jammie Jam." I'll give that the Best Barneysim of the week.

    Not the season's strongest effort, but not a terrible episode. If we get only one or two of these this season, it'll be a pretty good season indeed.

    'How I Met Your Mother' airs Mondays at 8PM ET on CBS.

  5. Aleki77
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    How I Met Your Mother, “Canning Randy” (6.07)

    Posted by R. Lackie on November 2, 2010

    Could the promised renaissance of How I Met Your Mother be upon us? This is the second episode in a row to impress, after all. More on the episode, written by Chuck Tatham and directed by Pamela Fryman, after the jump…

    “Canning Randy”, like “Baby Talk”, wasn’t a game changer. But as I said last week, the show doesn’t need to blow our minds, it just has to make us laugh. And this episode definitely succeeded, with three consistently funny plots that serviced the entire cast, while pushing along this season’s Goliath National Bank-centric arc.

    First up: The aggression between Ted and Zoey continues, as Zoey turns his adoring architecture students against him, forcing him to stop relying so much on their worship of him. This worked surprisingly well, from the juvenile squabbling between the two outside of GNB, to Ted’s interactions with his scorned class. It went right in line with Ted’s character, used both his jobs to the benefit of the story (something last season particularly failed at), and also gave both Josh Radnor and Alyson Hannigan some fun stuff to play. Though her character is a little flat, Jennifer Morrison is doing some fun things with Zoey, playing her smugness right up so that it crashes up against Ted’s. I really think they may be perfect for each other… or cause the world to implode with smug architecture nerdiness. And this episode would have been excellent even if it just had the Godfather reference. Lily truly is evil, isn’t she?

    The second plot also had some meat on it, giving Jason Segel the derivation from ‘silly Marshall’ he’s been looking for by finally addressing where he is vs. where he’d planned to be. His struggle between his urge to stay himself against his frustration with Randy was a lot of fun, and it tied up with the heart that the show is finally pulling off again after a couple off years. Also, Randy works much better here than he did as a gimmick back in season three’s “Rebound Bro”, and I really enjoyed seeing him interact with the cast and, particularly, Marshall.

    And finally, the Robin plot, which I both enjoyed and feel ambivalent about. ‘Aimless and worried about her career and her love life’ Robin was fun enough back in season four, though nothing truly strong came out of that arc, and having a rehash of it doesn’t 100% sit well with me when we finally got a bit of confident Robin back last week. That said, Becky as antagonist means that the plot works a thousand times better than it did a couple years ago, and Cobie Smulders seems to be enjoying Robin’s new struggles. Plus: laughs. The ‘boats boats BOATS!’ commercial, and its sequel in Robin’s commercial, were two of the biggest laughs the show’s gotten from me in ages.

    For those curious, according to Wikipedia, Chuck Tatham has been credited for two episodes in the past. Canadian fans should remember his name, as he wrote “Little Minnesota” (4.11), which gave us the Hoser Hut, and “Duel Citizenship” (5.05), which gave us Robin and Barney’s wonderful field trip to Canada. Funny enough, Tatham is Canadian, which might be why I felt a kinship with both of those episodes’ depictions of Canada vs. America.

    Also, did anyone wipe away a tear in memoriam of Better Off Ted when the ‘corporate video’ plot was introduced? Sound off in the comments.

  6. Aleki77
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    How I Met Your Mother Recap 11/1/10

    November 1st, 2010 Amanda-Lauren Nowitz

    Tonight’s episode of How I Met Your Mother was all about bravery; and really cute Halloween costumes. It opens at the Goliath National Bank annual Halloween party, Ted’s first as an employee; he was a hot dog with way too much mustard while Barney was adorable as a karate kid. There’s also a co-worker named Randy dressed as a lobster who only brews his own beer and is a horrible employee and just plain weird. The morning after, Ted, Barney and Marshall stand on a doorstep and watch women as they do the post-Halloween hook up walk of shame.

    Back in the classroom (Ted is still teaching despite the fact that he’s a working architect), Ted is surprised by none other than Zoe, the protestor he slightly fell in love with a few episodes back. She was trying to save the Arcadian, which is where Ted and the bank are building and he immediately fell for her, then found out she was married. She continued to torment him any way that she could, including turning his students against him to the point where they stopped going to class. Finally, Ted was firm and told the students if they weren’t in class the next day,they were all going to fail the class. Needless to say, they came back.

    Marshall had his hands full with Randy the lobster who kept shredding important documents. Everyone wanted him to fire Randy but Marshall is too much of a sweetheart to do that; until he literally had no choice. He felt so bad, he was having nightmares so he got Randy his job back. Turns out, Randy was happy to be fired because that gave him a severance check to open his own brewery. He went to multiple lengths to try to get re-fired; finally he gave Marshall one of his home brewed beers and got his wish. Marshall knew that Randy was meant to make beer and he wanted to help someone’s dream come true and he did.

    In the end, Ted stood his ground and defeated Zoe in her effort to destroy his class and Marshall was able to make a dream come true. It was sweet, quirky, fun and very well-written, with Marshall being the stand out for the week, except when Ted was dressed as a hot dog.Having Jennifer Morrison return as crazy Zoe added a level of clever that continues to make the show fun and entertaining.


    HIMYM Canning Randy: Jennifer Morrison, Laura Bell Bundy, Will Forte Return

    November 02, 2010 07:23 AM EDT

    Hopes were high for season six of “How I Met Your Mother.” The writers promised lots of big reveals and storylines, especially for Ted (Josh Radnor). Yet, seven episodes in and HIMYM hasn’t lived up to high expectations, even falling back to old jokes that they did seasons ago.

    The “How I Met Your Mother” episode Canning Randy started with promise. The guys congregated on the front stoop to witness New York’s finest parade: the November 1st walk of shame with everyone still in their Halloween costumes. “Pocahontas has a couple of wounded knees,” Marshall (Jason Segel) said. To which Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) said, “Does it get any better than this?” And, yes, yes it does. Robin (Cobie Smulders) shows up dressed as a nurse.

    But Robin’s storyline - and the episode as a whole - just went downhill from there. Lily (Alyson Hannigan) may have returned with her question of ‘where’s the poop?’ but it turned out Robin slept with no one. (Too bad; this viewer had hoped it was Barney). Rather, Robin was still so jealous of co-anchor Becky (Laura Bell Bundy) that she decided to compete with Becky’s unprofessional ‘boat’ spoof commercial. But Robin filmed nothing as ‘fun’; she was the nurse in a ‘neat and discreet adult diaper’ commercial instead.

    Then there’s, of course, the man behind the episode’s name: Randy (Will Forte), who for a brief shining moment in "How I Met Your Mother" history, was Barney’s wingman. This time it wasn’t Barney who Randy bothered with his bloody nose and unintelligent ways. Rather, Randy keeps taking GNB contracts that Marshall needs downtown - as in, he shreds them. Marshall ends up firing him, despite promising not to. Randy is happy, because now he can live his dream. Using his severance check, he plans to opening a brewery and make his Wharmpess/Warm Piss beer.

    That feeling is short-lived. Marshall re-hires him, hoping to help and nurture him. Randy will have none of it. He trashes Marshall’s office, and Marshall amazingly remains stoic. That is, until he tastes Randy’s dream, his Wharmpess, and realizes he wants to make Randy’s dreams come true. He fires Randy once and for all.

    Then there’s Ted. Oh, Ted. His class loves him in hot dog costume, but then Zoey (Jennifer Morrison) returns and she’s taking the class with her after playing hacky sack with them. All of his students are shocked that their professor is willingly tearing down a ‘beautiful old building.’ They boo Ted for the rest of the class.

    Ted clearly needs help. Naturally, he enlists Lily, who knows how to handle troublemakers thanks to her Kindergarten class. Her first method: mimicking a car alarm, just like in season two when Lily and Robin sat outside a wedding dress store waiting for a sale to start. It even sounded like the same car alarm. Same old joke, but this time much less funny.

    Fed up with his class - and Zoey - Ted tries this tactic out. It works, until the next day when his students join Zoey at the protest instead of going to class. Then Lily suggests instilling fear, like how she put the head of stuffed animal horse on Johnny’s nap-time rug. Again, just not funny. But Ted uses this tactic, too. He threatens to fail his students if they don’t all show up to class the next day. Success!

    But not success overall. Three recurring guest stars does not make a HIMYM episode great. This episode fell flat, even more so than last week’s Baby Talk. Come on, writers. You don’t need to rely on old jokes to be funny. Use the great HIMYM gang.

    Let’s see more of Ted a la his season two Victoria days. More of gun-toting independent Robin. More sweet-hearted Barney. And Marshall with his songs. A little bit more of crazy controlling Lily, too, wouldn’t be bad. That’s what “How I Met Your Mother” viewers want to see. Oh, and a lot more laugh out loud jokes, too, because that’s been missing as of late.

  7. Aleki77
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    Jennifer Morrison on How I Met Your Mother S06e07 - Canning Randy - 100 Caps HQs

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