OUAT S03E05 - Good Form

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    October 27, 2013 07:03 PM PDT

    Once Upon a Time Recap: Prelude to a Kiss

    Matt Webb Mitovich

    Once Upon a Time Recap Emma Hook KissThis week on ABC’s Once Upon a Time, we saw how a noble Navy lieutnanet became a dreaded pirate, while in Neverland Emma crossed a line in the name of offering Henry some hope.

    IN THE FAIRYTALE LAND THAT WAS…. | Navy lieutenant Killian Jones addresses the crew of “The Jewel of the Sea,” imparting the importance of “good form.” His brother Liam, the captain, then aarrives carrying a new sextant that will lead them to a mysterious new realm to locate a plant that can cure anything. Using a sail made of Pegasus feathers, the ship literally flies to Neverland, where the Jones brothers immediately make the acquaintance of Peter Pan. Pan warns them that the Dreamshade plant does not cure but in fact poisons, but Liam doubts their king would seek such an unholy weapon. To prove his faith, Liam exposes himself to the plant, only to quickly die. Killian begs Pan for help, and is guided to a spring whose water can cure all — but in doing so, comes with a price. Liam sure enough is quickly cured by the water, but dies, again, once they have landed back home. Incensed that their king led them on such a sketchy mission, one that ultimately cost him his brother, Killian leads the crew to denounce their allegiance to the Navy and join him as pirates, aboard the rechristened “Jolly Roger.”

    IN NEVERLAND…. | Finding evidence that Neal lost hope during his days in Neverland, Emma resolves to get word to Henry that his family is near. And while she, Snow and Regina set out to capture a Lost Boy, Hook leads Charming to Deadman’s Peak, under the ruse of finding his brother’s sextant up there. In actuality, Hook wants to give David the spring water — though in curing him, it comes with the catch that he can never leave Neverland. Charming says that’s a small price to pay for having a chance to save his grandson, and imbibes/heals.

    Meanwhile, upon capturing the Lost Boy that Henry nicked during swordplay, Emma holds back Snow so that Regina can pluck out the lad’s heart and use it to control him. As such, the Lost Boy returns to Henry and provides him with the half of a compact mirror by which Emma & Co. can communicate with him. Henry at first suspect trickery, but an “Operation Cobra” mention convinces him otherwise. Henry dispatches with the mirror, lest Pan find out about it.

    When the men reunite with the women, Charming plants a big one on his Mrs., then spins a version of the truth that still casts Hook as a life-saver. After Emma thanks the pirate for saving her father’s life, Hook smiles, “Perhaps gratitude is in order now,” hinting at a kiss. Emma rebuffs: “Yeah, that’s what the ‘thank you’ is for.” Besides, she teases, “You couldn’t handle it.” (And you believe her.) When Hook counters that she’s the one who couldn’t handle it, Emma initiates a long, ultimately heated liplock. With steam practically escaping his collar, Hook utters, “That was….” “A one-time thing,” Emma insists/claims/kids herself. Visibly flustered, she send him off to get some wood (don’t say it, anyone!), to which he responds, “As you wish.” (Ergo my tweet: “Emma is Buttercup!”)

    Alone and sipping his rum, Hook is approached by Pan with a secret: “Baelfire… the guy Emma loves, Henry’s father…. He’s alive. and he’s in Neverland.” But the lad leaves it up to Hook to tell Emma. Or not. “Let’s see what kind of man you really are.” Back at camp, Pan tells the Lost Boys to hang caged Neal up “next to the other one,” leaving us to wonder who’s in the other cage….

    Notable quotables:

    * “There were two of you? I can barely stomach one.”
    * “What I wouldnt give for another sleeping curse….”
    * “She’s finally starting to see me for the man I am.” “A one-handed pirate with a drinking problem? I’m no grown-up, but I’m pretty sure that’s less than appealing.”

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